Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet
Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the US whose presidency spanned from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. The Cabinet members of the Harry Truman included his Vice President, Alben W. Barkley (1949-53). His Cabinet members were the official advisers he had appointed to head the executive departments of government during his presidency.

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet: Government Issues
The members of the Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet provided the President with advice on the important events of his presidency from April 12, 1945 to January 20, 1953. Key government issues requiring Cabinet debate included the end of WW2 and the decision to drop Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the beginning of the Cold War begins and , the McCarthy Witch hunts and the Korean War (1950-1953).

Presidential Cabinet

US Presidents Index

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet
The following list provides the names of the Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet members and the departments in which they held the positions in which the foreign policies and the domestic policies of the nation were discussed. The Presidential Cabinet Members had to be approved by the Senate by a majority (51 votes). The Presidential Cabinet members of the executive departments of the US Government are ranked in order, according to the United States Presidential Line of Succession

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet

Cabinet Departments and Cabinet Members

Vice President: Alben W. Barkley (1949-53)

Secretary of State:

Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (1945)
James F. Byrnes (1945-47)
George C. Marshall (1947-49)
Dean G. Acheson (1949-53)

Secretary of the Treasury:

Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1945)
Frederick M. Vinson (1945-46)
John W. Snyder (1946-53)

Secretary of War:

Henry L. Stimson (1945)
Robert P. Patterson (1945-47)
Kenneth C. Royall (1947)

Secretary of Defense:

James V. Forrestal (1947-49)
Louis A. Johnson (1949-50)
George C. Marshall (1950-51)
Robert A. Lovett (1951-53)

Attorney General:

Francis B. Biddle (1945)
Thomas C. Clark (1945-49)
J. Howard McGrath (1949-52)

Postmaster General:

Frank C. Walker (1945)
Robert E. Hannegan (1945-47)
Jesse M. Donaldson (1947-53)

Secretary of the Navy:

James V. Forrestal (1945-47)

Secretary of the Interior:

Harold L. Ickes (1945-46)
Julius A. Krug (1946-49)
Oscar L. Chapman (1950-53)

Secretary of Agriculture:

Claude R. Wickard (1945)
Clinton P. Anderson (1945-48)
Charles F. Brannan (1948-53)

Secretary of Commerce:

Henry A. Wallace (1945-46)
William Averell Harriman (1946-48)
Charles Sawyer (1948-53)

Secretary of Labor:

Frances Perkins (1945)
Lewis B. Schwellenbach (1945-48)
Maurice J. Tobin (1949-53)

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet

Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet
The Harry Truman Presidential Cabinet article provides interesting facts and important information about the Cabinet members and departments of the 33rd President of the United States.

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