Julia Tyler

Summary of Julia Tyler - First Lady of America
Our summary and fast facts about Julia Tyler provides an interesting and easy way to learn about the life of the First Lady of President John Tyler. The young, beautiful and vivacious Julia became the second wife of John Tyler, 30 years his junior. Julia Tyler was a confident, wealthy socialite who was a popular hostess at the White House organizing numerous parties and social events. She also supported her husband politically and hired her own personal press agent to ensure fair coverage in the newspapers.

Facts about Julia Tyler - First Lady "Mrs Presidentress"
Julia Tyler undertook the role of First Lady as the second wife of John Tyler, the 10th President of the United States who served in office from April 4, 1841 to March 4, 1845.  What was the life of Julia Tyler like? The Facts about Julia Tyler covers important information, dates and interesting facts about her birth, her early life, her family, her personality with a biography and the accomplishments of Julia Tyler as the First Lady of the United States of America.

First Ladies

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Facts about Julia Tyler: Fact Sheet of Julia Tyler
Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Julia Tyler, First Lady of the United States of America.

Julia Tyler Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President John Tyler

Relationship to President John Tyler: Wife

Date Julia Tyler entered White House as First Lady: June 26, 1844

Term of Presidency: 1841-1845

When and where was Julia Tyler born?  

Julia was born on May 4, 1820 in Gardiner’s Island, New York

What was the name of her father and mother?

The name of her parents: David Gardiner & Juliana McLachlan Gardiner

What was her relationship to President John Tyler?

Julia Gardiner Tyler  was his second wife

When did she marry?

The were married on June 26, 1844 and assumed the role as First Lady for the remainder of his term which had begun in 1841. His first wife Letitia was a semi-invalid and was helped by her daughter-in-law Priscilla Tyler with her duties as First Lady. Letitia died 10 September, 1842 and Priscilla assumed the position of First Lady until Julia took over as the President's second wife.

What are the names of her children?

The names of her children were David Gardiner (1846 – 1927), John Alexander (1848 – 1883), Julia (1849 – 1871), Lachlan (1851 – 1902), Lyon Gardiner (1853 – 1935), Robert Fitzwalter (1856 – 1927), Pearl (1860 – 1947)

When and where did Julia Tyler die?

Julia Tyler  died on July 10, 1889 in Richmond, Virginia

Julia Tyler Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President John Tyler

Picture of Julia Tyler

Picture of Julia Tyler

Facts about Julia Tyler: Fast Overview of Events in the White House
Facts and Info: Julia Tyler assumed the position of First Lady to President John Tyler. She witnessed the important events of his presidency that included
making Florida part of the union and his approval of the annexation of Texas.

Personality and Character: Julia Tyler Quotes
Facts and Info: An insight into the personal views, character and personality of this First Lady may be obtained from the following Julia Tyler quotes:

"This winter I intend to do something in the way of entertaining that shall be the admiration and talk of the Washington world."

Facts about Julia Tyler: Her Nickname or Pet Name - Mrs. Presidentress
Facts and Info: This First Lady, Julia Tyler,  was known as
Mrs. Presidentress. This beautiful first Lady was a real celebrity who appreciated the importance of the media. She was given the nickname 'Mrs. Presidentress' by a journalist called F. W. Thomas who wrote for the New York Herald. The title caught on and Julia Tyler was lauded for her beauty, her clothes and her bright personality and also affectionately referred to as 'Lady Presidentress'.

Facts about Julia Tyler: First Events
Facts and Info: Julia Tyler was the 1st First Lady to
to marry a serving President and the first to be photographed. She started the tradition of having the band play “Hail to the Chief” when the president entered the room

Facts about the Causes and Accomplishments of Julia Tyler
Facts and Info: First Ladies are not elected so have no official role. Their accomplishments are therefore based on their own particular wishes that ranged from political interests, humanitarian and charitable causes or duties relating to their family or social responsibilities. The causes and accomplishments of Julia Tyler were demonstrated in her public support of  of her husband's joint resolution to make Texas a state.

Facts about Julia Tyler: The Life of Julia Tyler - Rose of Long Island
Facts and Info:
Julia Gardiner was the beautiful daughter of David Gardiner, a lawyer and state senator, and Juliana McLachlan Gardiner, who was born on May 4, 1820 in Gardiner’s Island, New York. Julia enjoyed a privileged life and private education in Long Island, New York. Her family were extremely wealthy and Julia mixed with the highest society. A strong minded girl she was involved in a publicity campaign based on an engraving producing a handbill depicting a well-dressed young society girl holding a shopping bag advertising Bogert & Mecamlys, No. 86 Ninth Avenue. The pretty girl was identified as Miss Julia Gardiner, the Rose of Long Island. This was viewed as scandalous behaviour and Julia and her sister were packed off to Europe.

Facts about Julia Tyler: The Life of Julia Tyler, Wife of the President
Facts and Info: Julia returned to the US and resumed the life of a socialite, mixing with the most important people in the land. Her father's political connections led her to be introduced to President John Tyler. The President's first wife Letitia had been confined to a wheelchair and had died
while her husband was still in office, on September 10, 1842. Her daughter-in-law Priscilla Tyler had assumed the role of First Lady. John Tyler was still handsome, slim and athletic at the age of fifty-three and he started to pay great attention to Julia, who was thirty years younger. Julia at first resisted his advances, her parents also initially disapproved of the marriage because of the age gap. However, John Tyler was persistent and Julia married John Tyler in a private wedding ceremony in New York City on June 26, 1844. It was the first time a president married whilst in office. Julia took over the role as First Lady from his daughter-in-law Priscilla, for the remainder of his term in office. Julia played both a social and political role as the First Lady of the White House and strongly supported her husband in his goal to approval from Congress for the annexation of Texas. Proud of her husband's position it was Julia Gardiner Tyler who initiated the practice of playing "Hail to the Chief" whenever a president appears in public. Julia was a popular First Lady, a beautiful, determined woman who even hired her own press agent to enhance her image. The young, vivacious Julia enjoyed the position of the social hostess in the White House. She loved the parties and enjoyed dancing. Julia even introduced the White House guests to the Waltz and the Polka. which were considered decadent at the time because the dancing partners touched hands. John Tyler's presidency concluded on March 4, 1845. The couple retired to John's plantation near Richmond, Virginia, where Julia gave birth to 7 children. Julia Tyler died on July 10, 1889 and was buried beside President John Tyler at the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.

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