Mamie Eisenhower

Summary of Mamie Eisenhower - First Lady of America
Our summary and fast facts about Mamie Eisenhower provides an interesting and easy way to learn about the life of the First Lady of President Dwight Eisenhower. Mamie Eisenhower was an extremely popular First Lady and noted for the 'Mamie Style' which included her famous hairstyle in which her hair was arranged in bangs. Mamie was well educated and intelligent and a capable White House Hostess who organized highly successful parties and events. She was a great support to her husband and became involved in his election campaign. His campaign slogan "We Like Ike" was accompanied by a similar "We Like Mamie" slogan in support of Mamie Eisenhower.

Facts about Mary Geneva Eisenhower - First Lady"Mamie"
Mamie Eisenhower undertook the role of First Lady to Dwight Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States who served in office from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961.  What was the life of Mamie Eisenhower like? The Facts about Mamie Eisenhower covers important information, dates and interesting facts about her birth, her early life, her family, her personality with a biography and the accomplishments of Mamie Eisenhower.

First Ladies

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Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: Fact Sheet of Mamie Eisenhower
Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Mamie Eisenhower, First Lady of the United States of America.

Mamie Eisenhower Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Dwight Eisenhower

Relationship to President Dwight Eisenhower: Wife

Date Mamie Eisenhower entered White House as First Lady: January 20, 1953

Term of Presidency: 1953-1961

When and where was Mamie Eisenhower born?  

She was born on November 14, 1896 in Boone, Iowa. She was named Mary Geneva Doud

What was the name of her father and mother?

The name of her parents: John Sheldon Doud & Elivera Carlson Doud

What was her relationship to President Dwight Eisenhower?

She was his wife

When did she marry?

She married Dwight on July 1, 1916

What are the names of her children?

The names of her children were Dwight Doud (1917 – 1920) and John Sheldon (1922 – present)

When and where did Mamie Eisenhower die?

Mamie Eisenhower died on November 1, 1979 in Washington, D.C.

Mamie Eisenhower Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Dwight Eisenhower

Picture of Mamie Eisenhower

Picture of Mamie Eisenhower

Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: Fast Overview of Events in the White House
Facts and Info: Mamie Eisenhower assumed the position of First Lady to President Dwight Eisenhower. Mamie Eisenhower witnessed the important events of his presidency that included
the closing stages of the Korean War and steering a moderate course during the Cold War.

Personality and Character: Mamie Eisenhower Quotes
Facts and Info: An insight into the personal views, character and personality of this First Lady may be obtained from the following Mamie Eisenhower quotes:

"Why this comes naturally. I’ve been training for it for 36 years. When you’re in the Army, you get used to chasing after your husband."

"I’ve just had the first good night’s sleep I’ve had since we’ve been in the White House. Our new bed finally got here,
and now I can reach over and pat Ike on his old bald head any time I want to!"

Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: Her Nickname or Pet Name
Facts and Info: The First Lady, Mamie Eisenhower, was named as Mary Geneva but she was always known
by the pet name "Mamie".

The Mamie Eisenhower "Bangs"
Mamie Eisenhower is instantly recognized by her hairstyle which was arranged in 'bangs'. The fashion of the day had moved to shorter, informal hairstyles which had led to a decline in the wearing of hats. The term 'bangs' was a name applied to the short, curled fringe that sits high on the forehead. The term 'bangs' derived from the practise of hair being cut 'bang-off' meaning straight across at the front. The famous Mamie Eisenhower bangs were originally styled by Elizabeth Arden and although the hairstyle was outdated by the time Mamie entered the White House, she refused to lose her bangs, and her hairstyle was copied by many American women.

Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: First Events
Facts and Info: Mamie Eisenhower was the 1st First Lady to
appear in a televised presidential campaign advert in 1952.

Facts about the Causes and Accomplishments of Mamie Eisenhower
Facts and Info: First Ladies are not elected so have no official role. Their accomplishments are therefore based on their own particular wishes that ranged from political interests, humanitarian and charitable causes or duties relating to their family or social responsibilities. The causes and accomplishments of Mamie Eisenhower were demonstrated in her support of the United Nations and charities related to  cancer, polio and the American Heart Association.

Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: The Early Life of Mamie Eisenhower
Facts and Info: Mamie Eisenhower
was born on November 14, 1896 in Boone, Iowa. The parents of Mary Geneva Doud were John Sheldon Doud & Elivera Carlson Doud. Her wealthy father was in the meat packing business and Mamie enjoyed a privileged and pampered upbringing in Denver, Colorado. Mamie received an excellent education at various schools and following graduation she attended Miss Woolcott's private finishing school. At the finishing school she was taught languages and the social graces required by young, wealthy girls of her era. Mamie met Second Lieutenant Dwight Eisenhower in October 1915 and the couple became engaged on Valentines Day 1916. Mamie married Dwight on July 1, 1916. The couple had two children, Dwight Doud (1917 – 1920) and John Sheldon (1922 – present). Mamie accompanied her husband during his military career moving from home to home and learning to cope with little money. The couple were separated them during World War II during which time the couple wrote almost daily letters to each other. There were rumors of a wartime romance between General Dwight Eisenhower and his attractive young driver, Kay Summersby. The couple were re-united after WW2 and Dwight commenced his political career. Mamie Eisenhower was a popular and competent hostess of social events and parties.

Facts about Mamie Eisenhower: Life at the White House
Facts and Info: Dwight Eisenhower was elected President of the United States and Mamie Eisenhower assumed the role as First Lady on
January 20, 1953. Mamie had played a important role during the election campaign and in 1952 she appeared in a televised presidential campaign ad. She was popular with the American public who identified with her 'girl next door' image. Her husband's "We Like Ike" campaign slogan was accompanied by a similar "We Like Mamie" slogan. Mamie was an instant success as First Lady, her background ensured that she was comfortable in all social events and conversing with important visitors to the White House. Mamie disliked giving speeches and press conferences and she generally confined her comments to the social activities she hosted at the White House. Critics spread rumors that Mamie Eisenhower had a drink issue as she had a problem with her balance. The balance problem was caused by an inner-ear disease rather than from excessive drinking. Mamie Eisenhower was a successful and gracious First Lady famous for her youthful style, known as the "Mamie style" and what her husband called her “unaffected manner.” The couple left the White House on January 20, 1961 and moved to a farm they had purchased near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Former President Dwight Eisenhower died of coronary thrombosis on March 28, 1969. Mamie Eisenhower died on November 1, 1979 and was buried beside him in Abilene, Kansas.

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