Mary Harrison McKee

Summary of Mary Harrison McKee - First Lady of America
Our summary and fast facts about Mary Harrison McKee provides an interesting and easy way to learn about the life of the First Lady who was the daughter of President Benjamin Harrison. Mary Harrison McKee assumed the role of First Lady following the death of her mother Caroline Harrison on
October 25, 1892. His presidency ended 5 months later on March 4, 1893. Mary Harrison McKee became estranged from her father when he remarried. The marriage was to Mary Scott Lord Dimmick who was the niece and secretary of her mother, 25 years younger than her father. Mary Harrison McKee never spoke to her father again.

Facts about Mary Harrison McKee - First Lady "Marnie"
Mary Harrison McKee undertook the role of First Lady to Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States who served in office from March 4, 1889 to March 4, 1893.  What was the life of Mary Harrison McKee like? The Facts about Mary Harrison McKee covers important information, dates and interesting facts about her birth, her early life, her family, her personality with a biography and the accomplishments of Mary Harrison McKee as the First Lady of the United States of America.

First Ladies

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Facts about Mary Harrison McKee: Fact Sheet of Mary Harrison McKee
Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Mary Harrison McKee, First Lady of the United States of America.

Mary Harrison McKee Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Benjamin Harrison

Relationship to President Benjamin Harrison: Daughter

Date entered White House as First Lady: October 25, 1892

Term of Presidency: 1889-1893

When and where was Mary Harrison McKee born?  

She was born on on April 3, 1858 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was educated in public schools

What was the name of her father and mother?

The name of her parents: She was the only daughter of Caroline and Benjamin Harrison.

What was her relationship to President Benjamin Harrison?

Her mother, Caroline Harrison, died on October 25, 1892 whilst her husband was President. Their daughter, Mary Harrison McKee, served as First Lady during the final months of her father’s term.

When did she marry?

Mary married James Robert McKee (1857-1942) in November 1884

What are the names of her children?

The names of her children were Benjamin Harrison McKee (known as Baby) and Mary Lodge McKee

When and where did Mary Harrison McKee die?

She died on October 28, 1930 (aged 72)

Mary Harrison McKee Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Benjamin Harrison

Picture of Mary Harrison McKee

Picture of Mary Harrison McKee

Facts about Mary Harrison McKee: Fast Overview of Events in the White House
Facts and Info: Mary Harrison McKee assumed the position of First Lady to President Benjamin Harrison. She witnessed the important events of his presidency that included
establishing closer ties between the United States and Latin America and the introduction of anti monopoly laws.

Facts about Mary Harrison McKee: Her Nickname or Pet Name "Marnie"
Facts and Info: This First Lady
's full name was Mary Scott Harrison McKee but she was called by the pet name "Marnie" by her family, friends and husband.

Facts about Mary Harrison McKee: The Life of Mary Harrison McKee
Facts and Info:
Mary Scott Harrison McKee was born on on April 3, 1858 in Indianapolis, Indiana. She was the only daughter of President Benjamin Harrison and his wife Caroline. Mary was well educated in public schools and when her father was made President, Mary, and her family moved into the White House with her parents on March 4, 1889. Mary Harrison McKee had married James Robert McKee in November 1884 and the couple had 2 children, Benjamin McKee (known as Baby) and Mary Lodge McKee. Her mother had always suffered with respiratory problems and Mary McKee helped her with the duties of First Lady, helping to organize White House Parties and social events. A niece of Caroline called Mary Scott Lord Dimmick, acted as her secretary and was also asked to help Caroline with her social duties. Mary Scott Lord Dimmick moved into the White House in 1889. Caroline Harrison contracted tuberculosis and died in the White House on October 25, 1892. President Benjamin Harrison asked his daughter to assume the duties of First Lady for the remainder of his term. His term in office ended on March 4, 1893, only 5 months after the death of his wife. The Harrison family moved out of the White House.

Facts about Mary Harrison McKee: The Family estrangement
Facts and Info:
Mary McKee returned to family life with her husband who became a founding member of the General Electric company. Following his wife's death former President Benjamin Harrison became romantically involved with Mary Scott Lord Dimmick. As a widower, her father became romantically involved with his late wife's niece and secretary, the young widow Mary Lord Dimmick. She was 25 years younger than Benjamin Harrison, and Mary McKee and her brother vehemently opposed their father's relationship. The former president and Mrs. Dimmick announced their engagement late in 1895. Mary McKee and her brother were horrified at their 62 year old father's intention to marry Mary Lord Dimmick, who was only 37 years old. The family became estranged and neither Mary Harrison McKee nor her brother attended the wedding of their father on April 6, 1896 at St. Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church in New York City. Mary McKee never spoke to her father again. Former President Benjamin Harrison contracted pneumonia at the age of 67. Mary Harrison McKee returned to Indianapolis to see her father, but arrived several hours after his death on March 13, 1901.

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