James Garfield Timeline

James Garfield Presidency Timeline
James Garfield was the 20th President of the United States who served in office from March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881. What were the key events during his presidency? The James Garfield Presidency Timeline provides a fast, but detailed, overview of the important issues and key events with a brief explanation of each of the important events and the dates on which they occurred.

James Garfield Presidency Timeline
James Garfield Timeline covers the history, important accomplishments and key issues of his presidency from March 4, 1881 to September 19, 1881 that included:

He worked on problems following Reconstruction
He was the second President to be assassinated
Charles Julius Guiteau shot him 6 months after he took office

Presidential Timelines

US Presidents Index

James Garfield Presidency Timeline
The following fact file format provides a fast overview of the James Garfield Presidency with a History Timeline of the important events and accomplishments of his presidency. James Garfield Presidency Timeline details the sequence of key historical events and accomplishments arranged in chronological order that had a significant impact on the history of the United States of America.

James Garfield Bio

James Garfield Timeline: Presidential Timeline of Important Events

1881 - His inauguration as 20th President of the United States. His presidency only lasted for 100 days

1881 - He advocated hard money policies backed by gold.

1881 - His time was spent addressing issues following the Civil War and Reconstruction

1881 - July 2, 1881: President Garfield was shot by the insane Charles Julius Guiteau at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station

1881 - The President died on September 19, eleven weeks after being shot, following poor medical care

1881 - His presidency and term in office ended with the assassination attempt which led to his death.. The next US President was Chester A. Arthur

1882 - Charles Julius Guiteau was hung on June 30, 1882, just 2 days before the 1st anniversary of the shooting of the President

James Garfield Timeline of important Events

James A. Garfield Timeline - American Historama
For detailed articles about the most important events during his presidency timeline refer to James A. Garfield Accomplishments and Events

James Garfield Presidency Timeline
The James Garfield Timeline detailed above provides interesting facts and important information about the 20th President of the United States.

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