William Harrison Timeline

William Harrison Presidency Timeline
William Harrison was the 9th President of the United States who served in office from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841. What were the key events during his presidency? The William Harrison Presidency Timeline provides a fast, but detailed, overview of the important issues and key events with a brief explanation of each of the important events and the dates on which they occurred.

William Harrison Presidency Timeline
William Harrison Timeline covers the history, important accomplishments and key issues of his presidency from March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841 that included:

The first President to die in office (after only 32 days)
The subject of Presidential succession was brought to the fore
The Vice President, John Tyler, assumed office

Presidential Timelines

US Presidents Index

William Harrison Presidency Timeline
The following fact file format provides a fast overview of the William Harrison Presidency with a History Timeline of the important events and accomplishments of his presidency. William Harrison Presidency Timeline details the sequence of key historical events and accomplishments arranged in chronological order that had a significant impact on the history of the United States of America.

William Harrison Bio

William Harrison Timeline: Presidential Timeline of Important Events

1841 - His inauguration as 9th President of the United States

1841 - His inaugural address was extremely long (105 minutes), he was not warmly dressed for the occasion and contracted pneumonia

1841 - The President dies of pneumonia only 32 days after his inauguration. He was the first President to die whilst in office.

1841 - His untimely death

1841 - The issue of presidential succession was debated and, as Vice President, and John Tyler was sworn into office

1841 - His presidency and term in office ended with his untimely death after just 32 days in office. The next US President was John Tyler

William Harrison Timeline of important Events

William Harrison Presidency Timeline
The William Harrison Presidency Timeline detailed above provides interesting facts and important information about the 9th President of the United States.

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