Mary McElroy

Summary of Mary Arthur McElroy - First Lady of America
Our summary and fast facts about Mary McElroy provides an interesting and easy way to learn about the life of the First Lady, the sister of President Chester Arthur. Her title of First Lady was never made official by the President out of respect for his wife who had died shortly before he assumed the presidency. Mary McElroy made the clever decision to enlist the help of former First ladies
Julia Tyler and Harriet Lane and earned praise as a competent and successful White House hostess.

Facts about Mary McElroy - First Lady
Mary McElroy undertook the role of First Lady to Chester Arthur, the 21st President of the United States who served in office from September 19, 1881 to March 4, 1885.  What was the life of Mary McElroy like? The Facts about Mary McElroy covers important information, dates and interesting facts about her birth, her early life, her family, her personality with a biography and the accomplishments of Mary McElroy as the First Lady of the United States of America.

First Ladies

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Facts about Mary McElroy: Fact Sheet of Mary McElroy
Facts and Info: This fast fact sheet provides important information about Mary McElroy, First Lady of the United States of America.

Mary McElroy Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Chester Arthur

Relationship to President Chester Arthur: Sister

Date entered White House as First Lady: September 19, 1881

Term of Presidency: 1881-1885

When and where was Mary McElroy born?  

She was born on January 8, 1917 in Greenwich, New York

What was the name of her father and mother?

The name of her parents: William and Malvina S. Arthur. She was the youngest of their 9 children

What was her relationship to President Chester Arthur?

She was his sister and had assumed the role because Arthur's wife, Ellen, had died of pneumonia a year and a half earlier.

Was she married?

Mary McElroy had married insurance salesman John McElroy and they had 4 children

When and where did Mary McElroy die?

Mary McElroy died on January 8, 1917 in Albany, New York

Mary McElroy Fact Sheet - The First Lady of President Chester Arthur

Picture of Mary McElroy

Picture of Mary McElroy

Facts about Mary McElroy: Fast Overview of Events in the White House
Facts and Info: Mary McElroy assumed the position of First Lady as the sister of President Chester Arthur. She witnessed the important events of his presidency that included
reforming of the civil service system and the reunification of the nation after the American Civil war (1861-1865) and Reconstruction.

Personality and Character: Mary McElroy Quotes
Facts and Info: An insight into the personal views, character and personality of this First Lady may be obtained from the following Mary McElroy quotes:

"When I went into it [The White House] I was absolutely unfamiliar with the customs and formalities."

Facts about Mary McElroy: First Events
Facts and Info: She was the only First Lady who served as the sister of the President.
Although Mary McElroy served as her brother's First Lady, she was not accorded any formal recognition. This decision was made by her brother who declined to bestow the protocol rank associated with the position of First Lady in respect of his late wife.

Facts about the Causes and Accomplishments of Mary McElroy
Facts and Info: First Ladies are not elected so have no official role. Their accomplishments are therefore based on their own particular wishes that ranged from political interests, humanitarian and charitable causes or duties relating to their family or social responsibilities. The accomplishments of Mary McElroy were demonstrated in her support of her brother and undertaking the social duties as First Lady. Mary McKelroy was a member of the Albany Association Opposed to Women's Suffrage.

Facts about Mary McElroy: The Life of Mary McElroy
Facts and Info:
Mary Arthur McElroy was born on January 8, 1917 in Greenwich, New York. Mary was the youngest of 9 children and her brother Chester Arthur was destined to become the 21st President of the United States. In 1851 Mary married insurance salesman John McElroy. They couple lived in Albany, New York and had four children. Chester Arthur assumed the presidency after the assassination and subsequent death of President James Garfield. The new Presidents was still mourning the death of his wife, Ellen Lewis Herndon Arthur, which had occurred only a year and a half earlier.  The president asked his sister, Mary Arthur McElroy, to served as the unofficial First Lady and also to look after his children. Mary McElroy agreed to help her brother, although she felt she did not possess the experience required to undertake such and important role. Because she also had responsibilities to her own family it was agreed that she would live in the White House only during the busy winter social season. Mary McElroy made the clever decision to ask former First Ladies Julia Tyler and Harriet Lane to help with the social duties and to give her advice. Mary McElroy earned the reputation of a popular and competent hostess. She was a determined lady and resisted pressure from temperance advocates to re-introduce the ban on alcohol at the White House. Mary McKelroy supported her brother throughout his term as President until March 4, 1885 when she returned to raising her family. Mary McElroy died on January 8, 1917 at the age of 75 in Albany, New York and was buried at Albany Rural Cemetery.

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